NEWS; Amotekun nabs kidnap suspect luring girl with N50

 Adeniji Inflex share this story on 8th of Aug 2023

Amotekun nabs kidnap suspect luring girl with N50

A 25-year-old suspected kidnapper has been arrested by operatives of Amotekun Corps at Obanisola Street in Osogbo, Osun state's capital, for luring a girl with N50 in an attempt to abduct her.


Mumini Oseni who was previously convicted of armed robbery, was nabbed when the victim raised the alarm which attracted the attention of her mother, forcing the suspect to attempt to flee the scene.


He was arrested before he could escape from the area by Amotekun operatives who responded to the distress call. Osun Amotekun Corps Commander, Brig.-Gen. Bashir Adewinmbi (retd.) who confirmed the arrest of the suspect said; 


“The operatives of Amotekun arrested the culprit in Osogbo while trying to kidnap a young girl around Obanisola Street, Powerline area, Osogbo and the young girl raised the alarm which attracted the mother of the girl and the neighbours.

“Complaint was lodged at the Amotekun Olorunda Command and operatives swung into action. He was immediately apprehended. During a cross-examination, Mumini Oseni confessed to perpetrating the act. He is an ex-convict jailed for armed robbery.

“The suspect has been handed over to the police for subsequent interrogation and prosecution.”

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